Warfare > Battle of Kadesh

Battle of Kadesh


The Battle of Kadesh was a decisive battle that was waged between the ancient Egyptians and the Hittites over control over Mesopotamia.

The battle primarily took place at the Hittite stronghold of Kadesh.

Not to be confused with Battle of Kamdesh.Coordinates: 34.57°N 36.51°EBattle of KadeshPart of Second Syrian campaign of Ramesses IIRamses II at Kadesh.jpgRamesses atop chariot, at the battle of Kadesh. (Relief inside his Abu Simbel temple.)DateLate May 1274 BC[1]LocationOn the Orontes River near KadeshResultEgyptian tactical victory, strategically indecisive.[2][3] Negotiated peace treaty[4]BelligerentsNew Kingdom of EgyptHittite EmpireCommanders and leadersRamesses IIGrand Vizier PaserPrince AmunherkhepeshefPrince RamessesPrince KhaemwesetPrince PareherwenemefMuwatalli IIHattusili IIIMittanamuwash of PitassaMasturish of Seha River LandPiyama-Inarash of WilusaSahurunuwash of CarchemishSattuara of MittaniNiqmepa of UgaritTalmi-Sarruma of AleppoNiqmaddu of KadeshStrength20,000 men(half engaged)16,000 infantry[5]2,000 chariots[6]4,000 men[5]Somewhere between 23,000–50,000 menSomewhere between 15,000[7]–40,000 infantry[8](not engaged)Somewhere between 2,500–3,700 chariots[8]Somewhere between 9,000–11,100 men[9]Casualties and lossesUnknownUnknownThe Battle of Kadesh (also Qadesh) took place between the forces of the Egyptian Empire under Ramesses II and the Hittite Empire under Muwatalli II at the city of Kadesh on the Orontes River, just upstream of Lake Homs near the modern Syrian-Lebanese border.[10]The battle is generally dated to 1274 BC of the conventional Egyptian chronology,[11] and is the earliest battle in recorded history for which details of tactics and formations are known. It was probably the largest chariot battle ever fought, involving perhaps 5,000–6,000 chariots.[12][13][14]As a result of the multiple Kadesh inscriptions, it is the best documented battle in all of ancient history.[15]Contents [hide]1Background2Kadesh campaign2.1Contending forces2.2Battle3Aftermath4Documentation4.1Hittite allies4.2Hittite fallen5See also6References7Further reading8External linksBackground[edit]After expelling the Hyksos 15th dynasty, the native Egyptian New Kingdom rulers became more aggressive in reclaiming control of their state's borders. Thutmose I, Thutmose III and his son and coregent Amenhotep II fought battles from Megiddo north to the Orontes River, including conflict with Kadesh.[citation needed]Many of the Egyptian campaign accounts between c. 1400 and 1300 BC reflect the general destabilization of the region of the Djahi. The reigns of Thutmose IV and Amenhotep III were undistinguished, except that Egypt continued to lose territory to Mitanni in northern Syria.[citation needed]During the late Egyptian 18th dynasty, the Amarna Letters[16] tell the story of the decline of Egyptian influence in the region. The Egyptians showed flagging interest here until almost the end of the dynasty. Horemheb, the last ruler of this dynasty, campaigned in this region, finally beginning to turn Egyptian interest back to this region.[citation needed]This process continued in the 19th Dynasty. Like his father Ramesses I, Seti I was a military commander and set out to restore Egypt's empire to the days of the Tuthmosis kings almost a century before. Inscriptions on Karnak temple walls record the details of his campaigns into Canaan and Syria.[17] He took 20,000 men and reoccupied abandoned Egyptian posts and garrisoned cities. He made an informal peace with the Hittites, took control of coastal areas along the Mediterranean, and continued to campaign in Canaan. A second campaign led him to capture Kadesh (where a stela commemorated his victory) and Amurru. His son and heir Ramesses II campaigned with him. Historical records exist which record a large weapons order by Ramesses II the year prior to the expedition he led to Kadesh in his fifth regnal year.[citation needed]However, at some point, both regions may have lapsed back into Hittite control. What exactly happened to Amurru is disputed. The Hittitologist Trevor Bryce suggests that, although it may have fallen once again under Hittite control, it is more likely Amurru remained a Hittite vassal state.[18]The immediate antecedents to the Battle of Kadesh were the early campaigns of Ramesses II into Canaan. In the fourth year of his reign, he marched north into Syria, either to recapture Amurru[19] or, as a probing effort, to confirm his vassals' loyalty and explore the terrain of possible battles.[18] The recovery of Amurru was Muwatalli's stated motivation for marching south to confront the Egyptians. Ramesses marched north in the fifth year of his reign and encountered the Hittites at Kadesh.[citation needed]Kadesh campaign[edit]The Egyptian Empire under Ramesses II (green) bordering on the Hittite Empire (red) at the height of its power in ca. 1279 BCRamesses' army crossed the Egyptian border in the spring of year five of his reign and, after a month's march, reached the area of Kadesh from the south.[citation needed]The Hittite king Muwatalli, who had mustered several of his allies (among them Rimisharrinaa, the king of Aleppo), had positioned his troops behind "Old Kadesh", but Ramesses, misled by two spies whom the Egyptians had captured, thought the Hittite forces were still far off, at Aleppo,[13] and ordered his forces to set up camp.[citation needed]Contending forces[edit]In the spring of the fifth year of his reign, in May 1274 BC, Ramesses II launched his campaign from his capital Pi-Ramesses (modern Qantir). The army moved beyond the fortress of Tjel and along the coast leading to Gaza.[20] Ramesses led an army of four divisions: Amun, Re (P're), Seth (Suteh) and the apparently newly formed Ptah division.[21]There was also a poorly documented troop called the nrrn (Ne'arin or Nearin), possibly Canaanite military mercenaries with Egyptian allegiance[22] or even Egyptians,[23] which Ramesses II had left in Amurru, apparently in order to secure the port of Sumur.[24] This division would come to play a critical role in the battle. Also significant was the presence of Sherden troops among the Egyptian army. This is the first time they appear as Egyptian mercenaries, and they would play an increasingly significant role in Late Bronze Age history, ultimately appearing among the Sea Peoples that ravaged the east Mediterranean at the end of the Bronze Age. Healy in Armies of the Pharaohs observes:"It is not possible to be precise about the size of the Egyptian chariot force at Kadesh though it could not have numbered less than 2,000 vehicles spread though the corps of Amun, P'Re, Ptah and Sutekh, assuming that approx. 500 machines were allocated to each corps. To this we may need to add those of the Ne'arin, for if they were not native Egyptian troops their number may not have been formed from chariots detached from the army corps."[25]On the Hittite side, Ramesses II recorded a long list of nineteen Hittite allies brought to Kadesh by Muwatalli. This list is of considerable interest to Hittitologists as it reflects the extent of Hittite influence at the time.Battle[edit]The great Sesostris (Rameses II) in the Battle of KhadeshRamesses II describes his arrival on the battlefield in the two principal inscriptions he wrote concerning the battle, the so-called "Poem" and the "Bulletin":“(From the "Poem") Now then, his majesty had prepared his infantry, his chariotry, and the Sherden of his majesty's capturing,...in the Year 5, 2nd month of the third season, day 9, his majesty passed the fortress of Sile. [and entered Canaan] ... His infantry went on the narrow passes as if on the highways of Egypt. Now after days had passed after this, then his majesty was in Ramses Meri-Amon, the town which is in the Valley of the Cedar.His majesty proceeded northward. After his majesty reached the mountain range of Kadesh, then his majesty went forward...and he crossed the ford of the Orontes, with the first division of Amon (named) "He Gives Victory to User-maat-Re Setep-en-Re". His majesty reached the town of Kadesh ....The division of Amon was on the march behind him; the division of Re was crossing the ford in a district south of the town of Shabtuna at the distance of one iter from the place where his majesty was; the division of Ptah was on the south of the town of Arnaim; the division of Set was marching on the road. His majesty had formed the first ranks of battle of all the leaders of his army, while they were (still) on the shore in the land of Amurru.”“(From the "Bulletin") "Year 5, 3rd month of the third season, day 9, under the majesty of (Ramesses II)...The lord proceeded northward, and his majesty arrived at a vicinity south of the town of Shabtuna.[26]”The Shasu spies shown being beaten by the EgyptiansAs Ramesses and the Egyptian advance guard were about 11 kilometers from Kadesh, south of Shabtuna, he met two Shasu (nomads) who told him that the Hittites were "in the land of Aleppo, on the north of Tunip" 200 kilometers away, where, the Shasu said, they were "(too much) afraid of Pharaoh, L.P.H., to come south."[27] This was, state the Egyptian texts, a false report ordered by the Hittites "with the aim of preventing the army of His Majesty from drawing up to combat with the foe of Hatti."[27] Egyptian scouts then returned to his camp bringing two new Hittite prisoners. Ramesses II only learned of the true nature of his dire predicament when these spies were captured, beaten and forced to reveal the truth before him. Under torture, the second group of spies revealed that the entire Hittite army and the Hittite king were actually close at hand:“When they had been brought before Pharaoh, His Majesty asked, 'Who are you?' They replied 'We belong to the king of Hatti. He has sent us to spy on you.' Then His Majesty said to them, 'Where is he, the enemy from Hatti? I had heard that he was in the land of Khaleb, north of .' They of Tunip replied to His Majesty, 'Lo, the king of Hatti has already arrived, together with the many countries who are supporting him... They are armed with their infantry and their chariots. They have their weapons of war at the ready. They are more numerous than the grains of sand on the beach. Behold, they stand equipped and ready for battle behind the old city of Kadesh.'[28]”The Hittite chariots attack the Re division.In his haste to capture Kadesh, Ramesses II committed a major tactical error. He increased the distance between his Amun Division and the remaining Re, Ptah and Seth divisions, thereby splitting up his combined forces. When they were attacked by the Hittites, Ramesses II complained of the failure of his officials to dispatch scouts to discover the true location of the Hittites and report their location to him.[29] The pharaoh quickly sent urgent messengers to hasten the arrival of the Ptah and Seth divisions of his army, which were still some distance away on the far side of the River Orontes. Before Ramesses could organize his troops, however, Muwatalli's chariots attacked the Re division, which was caught in the open and almost destroyed. Some of its survivors fled to the safety of the Amun camp, but they were pursued by the Hittite forces.[citation needed]The Hittite chariotry crashed through the Amun camp's shield wall and began their assault. This created panic among the Amun troops as well. However, the momentum of the Hittite attack was already starting to wane, as the impending obstacles of such a large camp forced many Hittite charioteers to slow their attack; some were killed in chariot crashes.[30] In the Egyptian account of the battle, Ramesses describes himself as being deserted and surrounded by enemies:"...No officer was with me, no charioteer, no soldier of the army, no shield-bearer ..."[31]Only with help from the gods did Ramesses II personally defeat his attackers and return to the Egyptian lines:"...I was before them like Set in his moment. I found the mass of chariots in whose midst I was, scattering them before my horses..."Ramesses counterattacks.The pharaoh, now facing a desperate fight for his life, summoned up his courage, called upon his god Amun, and fought valiantly to save himself. Ramesses personally led several charges into the Hittite ranks together with his personal guard, some of the chariots from his Amun division and survivors from the routed division of Re,[30] and using the superior maneuverability of their chariots and the power and range of Egyptian composite bows, deployed and attacked the overextended and tired Hittite chariotry.[citation needed]The Hittites, meanwhile, who understandably believed their enemies to be totally routed, had stopped to plunder the Egyptian camp and, in doing so, became easy targets for Ramesses' counterattack. Ramesses' action was successful in driving the Hittites back towards the Orontes river and away from the Egyptian camp,[32] while in the ensuing pursuit, the heavier Hittite chariots were easily overtaken and dispatched by the lighter, faster, Egyptian chariots.[13]final phase of the battle.Although he had suffered a significant reversal, Muwatalli still commanded a large force of reserve chariotry and infantry plus the walls of the town. As the retreat reached the river, he ordered another thousand chariots to attack the Egyptians, the stiffening element consisting of the high nobles who surrounded the king. As the Hittite forces approached the Egyptian camp again, the Ne'arin troop contingent from Amurru suddenly arrived, this time surprising the Hittites. Ramesses had also reorganized his forces and, expecting the help, also attacked from the camp.[citation needed]After six charges, the Hittite forces were almost surrounded, and the survivors were pinned against the Orontes.[24] The elements remaining of the Hittites not overtaken in the withdrawal were forced to abandon their chariots and attempt to swim across the river, according to Egyptian accounts hurriedly ("as fast as crocodiles swimming"), where many of them drowned.[33]The next morning, a second, inconclusive battle was fought. Muwatalli is reported by Ramesses to have called for a truce, but this may be propaganda since Hittite records note no such arrangement. Neither side gained total victory. Both the Egyptians and the Hittites had suffered heavy casualties; the Egyptian army failed to break Kadesh's defenses, while the Hittite army had failed to gain a victory in the face of what earlier must have seemed certain success.[24]There is no consensus about the outcome or what took place, with views ranging from an Egyptian victory to a draw,[34] or, in the view of Iranian Egyptologist Mehdi Yarahmadi, an Egyptian defeat (with the Egyptian accounts simply propaganda).[35]Aftermath[edit]Main article: Egyptian-Hittite peace treatyThe Siege of DapurLogistically[3] unable to support a long siege of the walled city of Kadesh, Ramesses gathered his troops and retreated south towards Damascus and ultimately back to Egypt. Once back in Egypt, Ramesses proclaimed victory, having routed his enemies, however he didn't try further to capture Kadesh.[2] In a personal sense, however, the Battle of Kadesh was a triumph for Ramesses since, after blundering into a devastating Hittite chariot ambush, the young king had courageously rallied his scattered troops to fight on the battlefield while escaping death or capture. The new lighter, faster, two-man Egyptian chariots were able to pursue and take down the slower three-man Hittite chariots from behind as they overtook them.[3]Hittite records from Boghazkoy, however, tell of a very different conclusion to the greater campaign, where a chastened Ramesses was forced to depart from Kadesh in defeat. Modern historians essentially conclude the battle was a draw, a great moral victory for the Egyptians, who had developed new technologies and rearmed before pushing back against the years-long steady incursions by the Hittites.[3]The Egyptian–Hittite peace treaty—on display at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum—is believed to be the earliest example of any written international agreement of any kind.[3]The Hittite king, Muwatalli II, continued to campaign as far south as the Egyptian province of Upi (Apa), which he captured and placed under the control of his brother Hattusili, the future Hattusili III.[36] Egypt's sphere of influence in Asia was now restricted to Canaan.[36] Even this was threatened for a time by revolts among Egypt's vassal states in the Levant, and Ramesses was compelled to embark on a series of campaigns in Canaan in order to uphold his authority there before he could initiate further assaults against the Hittite Empire.[citation needed]In the eighth and ninth years of his reign, Ramesses extended his military successes; this time, he proved more successful against his Hittite foes when he successfully captured the cities of Dapur and Tunip,[37] where no Egyptian soldier had been seen since the time of Thutmose III almost 120 years previously. His victory proved to be ephemeral, however. The thin strip of territory pinched between Amurru and Kadesh did not make for a stable possession. Within a year, they had returned to the Hittite fold, which meant that Ramesses had to march against Dapur once more in his tenth year. His second success here was equally as meaningless as his first, since neither Egypt nor Hatti could decisively defeat the other in battle.[24]The running borderlands conflicts were finally concluded some fifteen years after the Battle of Kadesh[3] by an official peace treaty in the 21st year of Ramesses II's reign (1258 BC in conventional chronology), with Hattusili III, the new king of the Hittites. The treaty that was established was inscribed on a silver tablet, of which a clay copy survived in the Hittite capital of Hattusa, in modern Turkey, and is on display at the Istanbul Archaeology Museum. An enlarged replica of the Kadesh agreement hangs on a wall at the headquarters of the United Nations, as the earliest international peace treaty known to historians.[3] Its text, in the Hittite version, appears in the links below. An Egyptian version survives on a papyrus.[citation needed]Documentation[edit]Main article: Kadesh inscriptionsAlthough there is more evidence in the form of texts and wall reliefs for this battle than for any other battle in the Ancient Near East, almost all of it is from an Egyptian perspective. Indeed, the first scholarly report on the battle, by James Henry Breasted in 1903, praised the sources that allowed the reconstruction the battle with certainty.[38] However, some historians argue that the battle was a draw at best and that Egyptian influence over Amurru and Qadesh seems to have been lost forever.[39]The main source of information is in the Egyptian record of the battle for which a general level of accuracy is assumed despite factual errors and propaganda.[40] The bombastic nature of Ramesses' version has long been recognized.[41] The Egyptian version of the battle of Kadesh is recorded in two primary forms, known as the Poem and the Bulletin. The Poem has been questioned as actual verse, as opposed to a prose account similar to what other pharaohs had recorded. Similarly, the Bulletin is itself simply a lengthy caption accompanying the reliefs.[42] These inscriptions are repeated multiple times (seven for the Bulletin and eight for the Poem, in temples in Abydos, Temple of Luxor, Karnak, Abu Simbel and the Ramesseum).[43]In addition to these lengthy presentations, there are also numerous small captions used to point out various elements of the battle. Outside of the inscriptions, there are textual occurrences preserved in Papyrus Raifet and Papyrus Sallier III,[44] and a rendering of these same events in a letter from Ramesses to Hattusili III written in response to a scoffing complaint by Hattusili about the pharaoh's victorious depiction of the battle.[45]Hittite references to the battle, including the above letter, have been found at Hattusa, although no annals have been discovered that might describe it as part of a campaign. Instead, there are various references made to it in the context of other events. This is especially true of Hattusili III, for whom the battle marked an important milestone in his career.[citation needed]Hittite allies[edit]Sources: Goetze, A., "The Hittites and Syria (1300–1200 B.C.)", in Cambridge Ancient History (1975) p. 253; Gardiner, Alan, The Kadesh Inscriptions of Ramesses II (1975) pp. 57ff.; Breasted, James Henry, Ancient Records of Egypt; Historical Records (1906) pp. 125ff.; Lichtheim, Mirian, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Vol. 2: The New Kingdom (1978) pp. 57ff.Egyptian NameLocationḤtḤatti (central Anatolia)NhrnNahrin = MitanniI҆rṭwArzawa (western Anatolia)PdsPitassa (central Anatolia)DrdnyDardania (allies of the Trojans,[46] northwest Anatolia)MsMasa (Mysia, northwest Anatolia)KrkšKarkisa (Anatolia)KrkmšCarchemish, in SyriaQdA poorly defined area in northern SyriaQdšKadesh (in Syria)ꜤkrṭUgarit (in north Syria)MwšꜣntMushanet (Unknown)KškšKaska (northern Anatolia)LkLukka lands (Lycia and Caria, southwest Anatolia)QḍwdnKizzuwatna (Cilicia)NwgsNuḥḥašši (in Syria)I҆rwnt (sic!)Arawanna (In Anatolia)ḤlbḤalba (Aleppo, in Syria. Led by its king, Talmi-Sarruma, grandson of Suppiluliuma I.)I҆nsInesa (Unknown, possibly Neša in central Anatolia)In addition to these allies, the Hittite king also hired the services of some of the local Shasu tribes.Hittite fallen[edit]Source: Gardiner, Alan, The Kadesh Inscriptions of Ramesses II (1975) pp. 39–41.NameTitleSpţrBrother of MuwattalliTrgnnsCharioteerGrbtsShield-bearerTrgtţsTroop-captain of those of Qbsw(?)'AgmTroop-captainKmyţA head of thr-warriors (infantry?)ḤrpsrRoyal scribeTydrChief of the bodyguard[47]PysCharioteerSmrtsCharioteerRbsnnTroop-captain of 'Inns.ḤmţrmBrother of MuwattalliTdrHead of the thr-warriorsŢ..mShield-bearer(?)ŢwţsTroop-captain of 'InsBnq(?)Charioteer[?][One further name and title, lost]See also[edit]Ancient Egypt portalAncient Near East portalChariotry in Ancient EgyptEgyptian–Hittite peace treatyExodus: Gods and KingsReferences[edit]Jump up ^ Lorna Oakes, Pyramids, Temples & Tombs of Ancient Egypt: An Illustrated Atlas of the Land of the Pharaohs, Hermes House: 2003. P. 142.^ Jump up to: a b Nicholas Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt, Blackwell Books: 1992, p.256^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Ancient Discoveries: Egyptian Warfare. Event occurs at 12:00 hrs EDST, 2008-05-14. Retrieved 2008-05-15.[unreliable source?]Jump up ^ 100 Battles, Decisive Battles that Shaped the World, Dougherty, Martin, J., Parragon, p.10–11^ Jump up to: a b M. Healy, Qadesh 1300 BC: Clash of the warrior kings, 32Jump up ^ M. Healy, Qadesh 1300 BC: Clash of the warrior kings, 39Jump up ^ Richard Holmes, [[Battlefield "Decisive Conflicts in History" ]], 2006^ Jump up to: a b M. Healy, Qadesh 1300 BC: Clash of the warrior kings, 22Jump up ^ M. Healy, Qadesh 1300 BC: Clash of the warrior kings, 21Jump up ^ Near the modern village of Al-Houz in Syria's Al-Qusayr District. see Kitchen, K. A., "Ramesside Inscriptions", volume 2, Blackwell Publishing Limited, 1996, pp. 16–17.Jump up ^ Around "Year 5 III Shemu day 9" of Ramesses II's reign (BAR III, p. 317) or more precisely: May 12, 1274 BC based on Ramesses' commonly accepted accession date in 1279 BC.Jump up ^ Eggenberger, David (1985). An Encyclopedia of Battles. Dover Publications. p. 214.^ Jump up to: a b c Dr. Aaron Ralby (2013). "Battle of Kadesh, c. 1274 BC: Clash of Empires". Atlas of Military History. Parragon. pp. 54—55. ISBN 978-1-4723-0963-1.Jump up ^ Dr. Aaron Ralby (2013). "Hatti and Mitanni, 18th—12th Centuries BC: A Kingdom Found". Atlas of Military History. Parragon. pp. 52—53. ISBN 978-1-4723-0963-1.Jump up ^ Ockinga 1987, p. 38: "No battle fought in antiquity is so well-documented as the clash between the Egyptians and the Hittites before the city of Kadesh on the Orontes in 1275 BC"Jump up ^ Moran, William L., "The Amarna Letters", Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992Jump up ^ [1] W. J. Murnane, The Road to Kadesh: A Historical Interpretation of the Battle Reliefs of King Sety I at Karnak. (Second Edition Revised), Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 1990, ISBN 0-918986-67-2^ Jump up to: a b Bryce, Trevor, The Kingdom of the Hittites, Oxford University Press, new edition 2005, ISBN 0-19-927908-X, p.233Jump up ^ Grimal, Nicolas, A History of Ancient Egypt (1994) pp. 253ff.Jump up ^ Healy, Mark (2005). Qadesh 1300 BC: Clash of the Warrior kings. Osprey. p. 27.Jump up ^ Gardiner, Sir Alan (1964). Egypt of the Pharaohs. Oxford University Press. p. 260.Jump up ^ Goedicke, Hans (December 1966). "Considerations on the Battle of Kadesh". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 52: 71–80 [78]. doi:10.2307/3855821.Jump up ^ Schulman, A.R. (1981). "The Narn at Kadesh Once Again". Journal of the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities. 11 (1): 7–19.^ Jump up to: a b c d The Battle of Kadesh in the context of Hittite history[unreliable source?]Jump up ^ Mark Healy, Armies of the Pharaohs, Osprey Publishing, 2000. p.39Jump up ^ Pritchard, James B. (1969). Ancient Near Eastern Texts. Princeton, ISBN 978-0-691-03503-1. (ANET), "The Asiatic Campaigning of Ramses II," pp.255–256^ Jump up to: a b Wilson, John A, "The Texts of the Battle of Kadesh", The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures, Vol. 34, no. 4, July 1927, p.278Jump up ^ Joyce Tyldesley, Ramesses II: Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh, Penguin Books, 2000. pp.70–71Jump up ^ Santosuosso, Antonio, "Kadesh Revisited: Reconstructing the Battle Between the Egyptians and the Hittites " The Journal of Military History, Vol 60 no. 3, July 1996^ Jump up to: a b Mark Healy, op. cit., p.61Jump up ^ Lichtheim, Miriam (1976). Ancient Egyptian Literature. II:The New Kingdom. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 65.Jump up ^ Mark Healy, p.62Jump up ^ Ancient Discoveries: Egyptian Warfare. History Channel Program: Ancient Discoveries: Egyptian Warfare with panel of three experts. Event occurs at 12:00 EDST, 2008-05-14. Archived from the original on April 16, 2008. Retrieved 2008-05-15.[unreliable source?]Jump up ^ Hasel, Michael G (1998). Domination and Resistance: Egyptian Military Activity in the Southern Levant, 1300–1185 B.C. (Probleme Der Agyptologie). Brill Academic Publishers. p. 155. ISBN 978-90-04-10984-1.Jump up ^ یاراحمدی, مهدی (2011). پارادوکس قادش : پیروزی رامسس بزرگ یا برتری مواتالی دوم ؟ [Kadesh paradox: the triumph of the great Ramses II Mvataly?] (in Persian). دانشگاه فردوس ی مشهد: شماره 44 -45 فصلنامه تاریخ پژوهی. pp. 141–151.[unreliable source?]^ Jump up to: a b Joyce Tyldesley, Ramesses: Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh, Penguin Books, 2000. p.73Jump up ^ Tyldesley, p.75Jump up ^ James Henry Breasted, A History of the Ancient Egyptians (1908) sect. 305Jump up ^ De Mieroop, Marc Van (2007). A History of Ancient Egypt. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing. p. 400. ISBN 9781405160704.Jump up ^ TG James, Pharaoh's People: Scenes from Life in Imperial Egypt, 2007. James says 'This romanticized record of the Battle of Qadesh cannot be treated as a truthful account of what happened, and I doubt whether many ancient Egyptians would have accepted it wholly as an historical record' (page 26). He notes however that the 'broad facts' are 'probably reported with a fair degree of accuracy' (page 27).Jump up ^ Some of the harshest criticism of Ramesses has come from Egyptologists. "It is all too clear that he was a stupid and culpably inefficient general and that he failed to gain his objectives at Kadesh" (John A. Wilson, The Culture of Ancient Egypt (1951) p. 247. Although Wilson does recognize the personal bravery of Ramesses, and the improvement of his skills in subsequent campaigns.)Jump up ^ Gardiner, Alan, The Kadesh Inscriptions of Ramesses II (1975) pp.2–4. However, Miriam Lichtheim, Ancient Egyptian Literature, Vol. 2: The New Kingdom (1978) p. 58, maintains that the Poem is truly just that, contra Gardiner, and prefers to maintain the older tripartite division of the documentation.Jump up ^ Lichtheim, Miriam (1976). Ancient Egyptian Literature. II:The New Kingdom. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 57.Jump up ^ Breasted, James Henry, Ancient Records of Egypt: Historical Documents" (1906) p. 58.Jump up ^ Kitchen, Kenneth A., Ramesside Inscriptions, Notes and Comments Volume II (1999) pp. 13ff.Jump up ^ "Review: Some Recent Works on Ancient Syria and the Sea People", Michael C. Astour, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 92, No. 3, (July–September, 1972), pp. 447–459 writing about someone who identified the Dardanians with the Trojans: "Which is, incidentally, not so: the Iliad carefully distinguishes the Dardanians from the Trojans, not only in the list of Trojan allies (11:816–823) but also in the frequently repeated formula keklyte meu, Tr6es kai Dardanoi ed' epikuroi (e.g., III:456)Jump up ^ A problematical name. Gardiner translates the title as "chief of suite of suite". If the Chief of the Royal Bodyguard is meant here, then that position was held by his brother Hattusili, who quite clearly did not die.Further reading[edit]Ockinga, Boyo (1987), "On the Interpretation of the Kadesh Record", Chronique d'Égyptologie, 62: 38–48, doi:10.1484/J.CDE.2.308740Roaf, Michael (1990). Cultural Atlas of Mesopotamia and the Ancient Near East. Equinox. ISBN 0-8160-2218-6. includes information of the clash of the Egyptians and Hittites including the battle of Kadesh and maps of the regions controlled by the peoples named in the accounts.Healy, Mark (1993). Qadesh 1300 B.C, Clash of the Warrior Kings. Osprey Publishing; Osprey Campaign Series #22. ISBN 978-1-85532-300-1.Shaw, Ian (2003). The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Lichtheim, Miriam (1976). Ancient Egyptian Literature. II:The New Kingdom. Berkeley: University of California Press.External links[edit]Wikimedia Commons has media related to Battle of Kadesh.The Eternal treaty from the Hittite perspective (thebritishmuseum.ac.uk)André Dollinger (reshafim.org.il):End of Egyptian–Hittite hostilitiesThe peace treaty between Ramses II and Hattusili IIIThe Battle of Kadesh in the context of Hittite history (hittites.info)Battle of Kadesh (historynet.com)

Youtube: The Battle of Kadesh

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History of Humanity - Alexander the Great Logo
History of Humanity - Roman History Logo
History of Humanity - Punic Wars Logo
History of Humanity - Golden Age of Piracy Logo
History of Humanity - Revolutionary War Logo