Chronologies > Waddell's Chronology
Waddell's Chronology

Waddell's chronology or Waddell's king list is an Ancient Near Eastern chronology developed by the British polyhistor Laurence Waddell in his book, Egyptian Civilization: Its Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology, published in 1930.[1][2][3][4][5]Waddell's primary chronology was compiled from various Sumerian king lists, Egyptian list of pharaohs, the Bhagavata Purana, Mahabharata, Rigveda and numerous Indus Valley Civilization seals and other monuments and relics and sources, some of which he had deciphered himself.[2] It was entitled "Dated Chronological List of Sumerian or Early Aryan Kings from the Rise of Civilization to the Kassi Dynasty" and documented an alleged list of world emperors as follows:No.Names in Sumerian King Lists and monumentsDate BC(approximate)Indian list names1Ukusi of Ukhu City or Udu, Uduin, or Odin, Indar, Induru,Dur, Pur, Sakh, Sagaga, Zagg, Gaur, or AdarFirst Sumerian Dynasty3378–3349 BCIkshvāku or Indra or Sakko or Pururavas2Azag Ama Basam or Bakus, Tasia, Mukhla, Gin, Gan or Kan or Nimmirud3348–3337 BCAyus, Ama-Basu or Bikukshi-NimiAzag Bakus or Gan at Unuk, Enoch or Erech City3336–3273 BCAs Above3Naksha, Enuzu, Anenzu, Unnusha, In, EnuSecond Sumerian Dynasty3272–3248 BCNahusha, Anenas or Janak4Udu, Uduk3247–3242 BCUdā-vasu, Yadu, Yayati, (?) King Puru5Zimugun, Dumuzi3241–3312 BCJanamejaya or Jina6Uziwitar3211–3206 BCVishtara or Wishtara7Mutin Ugun3205–3195 BCMatinara8Imuashshu or Pishmana3194–3184 BCVishamsu or Tamsu9Naili (or Nandu) Iaxa Sumaddi or Duag3183–3181 BCAnila (?) Ucchaya, Dushyanta or (?) Sunanta101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536Baratutu, Bardū, Barti PirtuGaudumu or DūdumunuDutu-GindaraAzag, or Ashita-abIshzax or Gishax GameshUruash-Khād, Urusag-Khaddu,Barama'hasha or Arwasag (c. 3100 BC)Magdal, A-Magdal, MukhBidashnadi, Bidsar, Biugun or BiguaxuEnun-nad Enash-nadiTarsi (Ene- or "divine")or Dixxi (Di- or "divine")Medi or MetiKiuga, MūkudaTarsi, Dix-saax or (?) Shu-DixTizama or Tizkar, AndaRumau or Pashipadda("Mesanipadda"),Uruduki Raman Duruashi-padda or Rutasa Rama("Anni-padda") (c. 2900 BC)EamaBiamaPaunukha ("?Meshkalamdug")illegibleillegibleillegibleGungun, Kingubi-DuduMama-galKalbu or KalburuTukeBara-Gina, Puru-gin, Pardu-Bazumor Urudu-Gina, or Urukka-GinaThe Great Gap of 430 yearswith 26 (or 27) KingsUruash's Dynasty of "Paunch"3180–2751 BCBurata, Brihad, PrithuGautama, DhundhumaraDwat, Candra-ashvaAja-midha or SiteshuChaxus, Riksha, Rucaka or Ruk-meshuHaryashva or BarmyashvaMudgala or MogalloBadhryashya, L'asenadi or B'ujyuYuvanashwaDāsa (Divo- or "divine") or Trasa Dasyu IMettiyo or MitrayuCyavana or MuckundaSu-Dāsa, Dussaha or Trasa Dasyu IISomaka, SambhutaJantuPrishada or Suvarna RomanDrupada I, Hrashva Romanor RohidashvaVyoman, VasumanasJimūtaBhanu or Ban-kirtiSatya-brataHarish-candra IIHarita or Rohit-ashwa IICuncu or DhunduVijayaB'aruka or RurukiVri-Taka or Dhri-TakaPra-Cinvat, B'arad-Vaja, Bahū or Bahuka orPuru II36aZaggisi or Saggisi2750–2726 BC-37Guni, Shar-Guni, Kin or SargonSargon's Dynasty2725–2671 BCKuni Sha-Kuni or Sagara37aMush Uru2670–2656 BC-38Man-ishtishu or MenesFirst Egyptian Dynasty2655–2641 BCSon of Sargon, Asa-Manja, Manasyu39Naram-sin2640–2585 BCGrandson of Sargon, Anjana, Ansu-mat or Karamba40Shar-kali-sharri2584–2561 BCSon of Naram-sin, Kunti-jit, Khatawanga, Dilīppa-Irgigi, Nigigi, Imi, Nanum, Iama (in inter-regnum) four kings2560-2558 BCBhagi-ratha41Dudu2557-2537 BCDhundu42Shūdur-kib2536-2522 BCSuhotra II, Shruta Shrutāyas43Uru-Nigin (? Nikin Uru of seal WSC. 3902nd Erech Dynasty2521-2519 BCNabhin, Nābhāga44Urish-Ginar2518-2513 BCHarish-Candra or Ambarisha44aTardu (or Kudda)2512-2507 BC(?) RathiTara "great-grandson of Ambarūshu"45Ba-Sha-nini (or -ama)2506-2502 BCSindhu-dhipa, SanjayaUru-ash (or -an) -uta2501-2494 BC-46Guti occupation without kingsGuti Dynasty2493-2452 BCKusha DynastyAyunāyus (or ? Duthaliyas, k. of Khatti)47Muruta2451-2449 BCMūrtayaIn Kishu or Gishu2448-2443 BCKushaIrilla Tax (or Warla Gaba)2442-2437 BC-Dug-me or Ug-me2436-2431 BC-48Eamamesh (or Kashushamama)2430-2425 BCKushāmba or Sarva-KāmaInima Bakies, Baesses, Bakus or Basam2424-2420 BCBasu II or BhajiIziaush2419-2414 BC-49Iārla Tax or Dax2413-2399 BCSu Dāsa IIIbate2398-2396 BCIārla Gash or Kashushamama (2nd term)2395-2393 BCKushāmba (2nd term)Basium, Basam or Bakus (2nd term)2392- BCBasu II or Bhaji (2nd term)Nikīm or Nigin2391-2389 BC-Lasi-rubum or La-Sirab2388-2387 BCSarva-bhaumaIrarum2386-2385 BC-Darranūm2384- BC-50Khāblum or Khab-Kalamu2383-2382 BCKalmāshu-pādaSuratāsh Sin or Sarati Gubi Sin2381-2375 BCSruta, Upa-GuptaGuda, Iārla Guashda or Gudia2374-2368 BCGādhiEn-Ridi-Pizir, Pisha Ruddu2367-2361 BCVishva-Ratha (son of Gādhi)Tiri-gan2360- BCTrishanku51Ashukhamukh or Utukhe-gal3rd Erech Dynasty2360-2353 BCAshmaka52Uruash-ZikimThird Dynasty of Ur2352-2335 BCUru-Ricika MūlakaDungi or Duk-gin (Shamu-)2334-2277 BCDagni or Dagni-JamaPurash-Sin ("Bur-Sin"2276-2268 BCParashu-Rāma (and his massacre) Dasharatha or (?)53Suash-Sin ("Gimil-Sin")2267-2259 BCShata-ratha or Sushena Shata-ratha54Il-Ibil-Sin2258-2233 BCIl-Ibila or Ilivila55Ishbi-AshuurraIsin Dynasty2332-2200 BCVishva-saha56Katini-Kat (or Shu-Lilishu2199-2190 BCKhatvanga or Dilipa57Itiash-Dakhu2189-2169 BCDirga-bahu58Ishshibash-Dakhu2163-2149 BCRaghu59Libiash Ugun2148-2138 BCAja60Dashashi-urash, Muru2137-2110 BCDasha-ratha61Amar-Sin, ("Bur-Sin II")2109-2089 BCRama or Rama-Chandra62Libi (Insakh)2088-2084 BCLava and KushaAshurra Iwiti or Urra Iwiti2083-2076 BC-63Insakh-bani2075-2052 BCAtithi or Suhotra IV64Zāmbi (3) Tenirpisha (4) Urdukuga, Sin Mapish (II)2051- BCNishadha65Damiq-ilushu-2007 BCNala66Anuha-Mubalit ("Sin Muballit" (20, of which four as emperor)First Babylonian Dynastyas emperors2023-2004 BCNabha or Nabhas67Khammu-Rabi or "Great Lotus"2003-1961 BCPundarika or "Great Lotus"68Sāmsui-Uduna1960-1923 BCKshema-Dhanvan69Abieshu'a1922-1895 BCDevānīka70Ammi-Satana or Ammi-Ditana1894-1858 BCRuru or (?) Suto-rusta71Ammi-Saraga or Ammi-Suduga1857-1837 BCAhi-nagu72Sāmsu-Satana1836-1806 BCSudhanvan ofr Pariyatra73Sakhari-BalSea-Land Dynasty1805-1791 BCSahasra-Bala or Bala (with separate line)74Xatal ("Gandash")Kassite Dynasty1790-1775 BCSthala or Gaya75Agu-um1774-1753 BCAuka or Uktha76Bisuiru ("Kashtiliash")1752-1745 BCVajra-nābha77Ushigu1744-1737 BCShankha78Abisuttash1736- BCAb'Yutthit-ashva or Dhyushit-ashvaWaddell's correllations have not been generally accepted or well regarded, in part due to his use of the word Aryan. Conventional lists separate Sargon from Menes by around five hundred years. Gabriel Moshenka however mentions that some elements of his work "while unquestionably esoteric, were not so far from the academic mainstream as we might now suppose".[6]References[edit]Jump up ^ Duncan Macnaughton (1932). A scheme of Egyptian chronology. Luzac & Co. Retrieved 27 October 2012.^ Jump up to: a b Christine Preston (30 September 2009). The Rise of Man in the Gardens of Sumeria: A Biography of L.A. Waddell. Sussex Academic Press. pp. 139–. ISBN 978-1-84519-315-7. Retrieved 27 October 2012.Jump up ^ Vincent A. Smith (1 January 1999). The Early History of India. Atlantic Publishers & Dist. pp. 359–. ISBN 978-81-7156-618-1. Retrieved 27 October 2012.Jump up ^ John R. Maier (1997). Gilgamesh: A Reader. Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers. pp. 161–. ISBN 978-0-86516-339-3. Retrieved 27 October 2012.Jump up ^ L. A. Waddell (1 March 2003). Egyptian Civilization Its Sumerian Origin and Real Chronology. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-0-7661-4273-2. Retrieved 24 October 2012.Jump up ^ Moshenka, Gabriel., 'At Variance With Both General and Expert Opinion': The Later Works of Lieutenant-Colonel Professor Laurence Austine Waddell, Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, UCL Institute of Archaeology, 2010. (Archived at WebCite)External links[edit]Aryan Myth and Metahistory Appendix about WaddellFrontiers of Anthropology Blog