Language > Comparative Language

Comparative Language


Comparative Languages Table

Phoenicia - Phoenician AlephAlephOxHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic BethArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek AlphaLatinPhoenicia - Cyrillic A
Phoenicia - Phoenician BethBet/BethHouseHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic BethArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek BetaLatinPhoenicia - Cyrillic Be
Phoenicia - Phoenician GimelGimelCamelHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic GimelArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek GammaLatinPhoenicia - Cyrillic Ghe
Phoenicia - Phoenician DalethDalethDoorHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic DalethArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek DeltaLatinPhoenicia - Cyrillic De
Phoenicia - Phoenician HeHeWindowHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic HeArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek EpsilonLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician WawWawHook/SpearHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic WawArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek UpsilonLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician ZayinZayinWeaponHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic ZayinArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek ZetaLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician HethHethWall/CourtyardHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic HethArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek EtaLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician TethTethWheelHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic TethArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek ThetaLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician YodhYodhHandHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic YodhArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek IotaLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician KaphKaphPalmHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic KaphArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek KappaLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician LamedhLamedhGoadHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic LamedhArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek LambdaLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician MemMemWaterHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic MemArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek MuLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician NunNunFishHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic NunArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek NuLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician SamekhSamekhSupportHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic SamekhArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek Xi Phoenicia - Greek ChiLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician AyinAyinEyeHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic AyinArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek Omicron Phoenicia - Greek OmegaLatinPhoenicia - Cyrillic O
Phoenicia - Phoenician PePeMouthHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic PeArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek PiLatinPhoenicia - Cyrillic Pe
Phoenicia - Phoenician TsadeTsadeHuntHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic TsadeArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek SanLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician QophQophNeedle HeadHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic QophArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek Phi Phoenicia - Greek PsiLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician ReshReshHeadHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic ReshArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek RhoLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician ShinShinToothHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic ShinArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek SigmaLatinCyrillic
Phoenicia - Phoenician TawTawMarkHebrewPhoenicia - Aramaic TawArabicSyriacPhoenicia - Greek TauLatinPhoenicia - Cyrillic Te
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